1) Establish Metabolic Rate

Enter Your Gender

Enter Your Weight

Enter Your Height

Enter Your Age

Enter Activity Level

(1hr Walking = 0.5hr strenuous cardio)

Select Your Goal

Meal Planner Mode

custom bodybuilding meal plan

A perfect custom fitness meal plan in seconds!

Over 2.5 million meal plans made for people serious about their bodybuilding, fat loss, performance, fitness, and health has made us experts in meal planning. What started as a tool for Scooby to cut for his men's physique competition and prepare for his Half Ironman became the most trusted meal planner for athletes and fitness minded people worldwide and now this tool is even better.
  • Optimized for max muscle gain and strength gain.
  • Tailored to your precise metabolic rate
  • Choose your own macros
  • AI generated easy to make, tasty meals
  • Set caloric goal to bulk, cut, or recomp
  • Guaranteed to avoid hunger even when dieting

The Genesis of Scooby's AI Custom Meal Planner

Custommealplanner started in 2010 as a simple javascript tool on my fitness website scoobysworkshop.com. In 2015 I spent a year of engineering time and expanded it into a complex meal making machine driven by the USDA food database and integrated with Amazon Fresh food delivery. It was a great tool but the daily effort to maintain it was too great for my retirement so I shut it down. Pandemic hit, AI revolution, suddenly in 2024 its a whole new world for fitness tools and I got excited. I used my two weeks of recuperation time from my shoulder replacement surgery to write the next generation meal planner. Traditional computer science techniques work perfectly for choosing the foods in a meal, its just math. Math to calculate metabolic rates. Math to calculate weight loss or bulking gain, and math to pull foods out of a database and find their macros. Where both my previous meal planners fail and all legacy meal planners fail is in taking that list of ingredients and creating a tasty recipe and that is something AI is really, really good at! This meal planner combines the best of both worlds, the solid science of traditional databasae driven software to create reliable and accurate lists of ingredients with the imagination of AI to create the recipe.

Its totally free, so what's the catch?

Unlike my previous version of custommealplanner, this one is 100% free because I wanted to keep it simple for both you and me. You have dozens of passwords and subscriptions, the last thing you need is one more recurring charge. I retired 25 years ago and the last thing I want to do in my retirement is process a credit card refund for $2.99 because someone doesnt find my meals tasty. Just bookmark this page and come back when you want to make another meal plan, easy peasy lemon squeezy. Note that although this website is free there are ads and a donate button to cover the hosting costs and chatGPT recipe requests. If donations and ads dont cover my hosting costs I will have to remove the chatGPT recipe generation.

Why Scooby's Custom Meal Planner is best for athletes/bodybuilders

CustomMealPlanner was written by athletes, for athletes. Competing bodybuilders, triathletes, runners, and men's physique competitors. We provide the optimal nutrition for you no matter how active you are or what your goal is. We take the guesswork out of both bulking and cutting. The last thing you want to have to do as a powerlifter or bodybuilder is to do a panic starvation diet at the last minute to make your weight class because you will lose all kinds of muscle. With the bodyfat charts provided with every meal plan you can see exactly when you will achieve your target bodyfat and get sixpack abs.

Not for average people

For 90% of people, this is not the best meal planner for you. If you just want tasty meals that let you lose a few pounds then you will be frustrated by the lack of ingredient choices here so consider using myfitnesspal, noom, or one of the dozens of meal planners that will let you eat anything you want and just tally the macros. This meal planner is for people who have athletic performance as a top tier goal so I only include foods that are appropriate for them.

Known Issues/Bugs

If you notice a bug, PLEASE report it! I read all the comments on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube so if you report it, I will fix it.